
PARIS ??” A Muslim woman who tried to go swimming in a head-to-toe "burquini" has been banned from her local pool in the latest tussle between religious PARIS (AP) - A Muslim woman who tried to go swimming in a head-to-toe "burquini" has been banned from her local pool in the latest tussle between religious Obviously out of the running is the burquini, a suit devised for Australian Muslim women that covers the whole body except the face, the hands and the feet. PARIS (AP) - Una mujer enfundada en un traje de ba?±o que la cubre de pies a cabeza _apodado "burquini"_ puede haber abierto un nuevo cap?­tulo en la puja en PARIS - Uma mu?§ulmana foi impedida de nadar em uma piscina de seu bairro usando o "burquini", roupa de banho que cobre todo o corpo, do tornozelo ?  cabe?§a. ... cabeza _apodado "burquini"_ puede haber abierto un nuevo cap?©©tulo en la puja en Francia entre las pr???cticas religiosas y su estricto c?±?digo secular. Nous voici donc bien loin de ces pantalons bouffants codifi?©s par les hygi?©nistes au d?©but du XX e si??cle et de ce "burquini" maillot int?©gral couvrant le
Tags: burqini, burqini swimwear, burqinis, burqa, burkini
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